Fashion, a prevailing custom or style of dress, etiquette, socializing, etc. Whether we realize it or not, it is something that is incorporated in our daily lives. It is not only about clothing, accessories, designer shoes and hand bags, but the meaning behind each piece of fabric that drapes over our body.
Consider learning a fashion trend from every culture out there, and try to understand why they wear what they wear. Just don’t question why they do so....because another thing about fashion is that there is never a right or a wrong. One must know how to wear it! As many say “the clothes doesn’t make the man, but the man makes the clothes.” Most laugh at the old fashion without realizing that they fanatically follow the new trends that have been derived from the old fashion era.
My goal here is not to only target a fashion addict crowd but those who find it to be non-worthy. It’s a matter of appreciation, just as art and many other things are. Believe it can be a hobby! Among other things, fashion can be just as helpful to the environment in all ways, for example: During Fashion Week 2005 in New York City, Earth Pledge teamed up with clothing retailer Barneys to sponsor FutureFashion, a special runway event intended to educate and demonstrate to the fashion world that there are sustainable fashion alternatives to the increasingly unsustainable and unhealthy chemical nanotechnology fabrics being used in conventionally produced fashions and apparel lines. For FutureFashion, 28 leading fashion designers were given the opportunity to create fashion using renewable, reusable, sustainable and eco-friendly fabrics such as organic cotton, organic wool, soy and corn fibers, eco-friendly biopolymers, and natural and low-impact dyes. They demonstrated that sustainable fashions can be as sublime … or as silly ... as fashion using unsustainable fabrics.
With all this said, fashion is made to become unfashionable, so I welcome everyone to comment on my blog! And all we need to remember is that fashion fades, but style remains the same.